The rainbow birds

I was initially shy of doing designs based on really colourful birds but it was so much fun that I think there will be more to come…


Lori’s technicolour dreamcoat

Rainbow lorikeet

This is but one variety of these splendid colourful birds.

For a couple of days each year I have the great luxury of being able to lie on my bed and watch a small gathering of rainbow lorikeets feeding in the large ironbark tree outside my window. I always hope they’ll come on a Sunday so I can stay put and watch them hop between the leaves, hanging upside down at times while they work their way around the branches.

This design can also be found in cockatoos and parrots.


Rainbow bee eater

This colourful bird is the only bee-eater in Australia. In addition to bees, they also eat wasps, dragonflies and other flying insects, catching their prey on the wing before settling to eat it after knocking out stings or venom glands.

They are widespread across much of Australia this doesn’t make catching a glimpse of one in the wild any less exciting, whether they are circling above a swimming hole or darting across the road on the way home.

In addition to the rainbow version of this design, I have also created a blue version that reminds me of the willow patterns on china.



Gouldian Finches

Though there is no ‘rainbow’ in the name of this bird, they are among the brightest birds around. A splash of colour against the Australian bush, it is a rare treat to see a Gouldian Finch out and about. Their numbers in the wild have dwindled to around 2500 though they are very popular as pets. I designed this fabric in early 2019, at the end of the second driest wet season on record. Because it was so dry, gouldian finches moved into parks on the edge of Darwin and when this design hit the shelves I heard many delighted reports of sightings of the tiny colourful birds.

This design can also be found in finches.



Rainbow pitta

Rainbow pittas are elusive and somehow just a little bit magical with a blue flash on a green wings, an orange cap upon a little black head. Although they are reasonably common, catching a glimpse of one in the wild is a rare treat.

During the wet season, rainbow pittas nest on the ground and in trees, adapting their architecture to suit the environment.

This design is inspired by the Mid Century Modern designs of the 1950’s and 60’s.